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A Clean Slate – Tarnish or Polish?

Nadine Briggs

adhd autism social thinkingBy Nadine Briggs and Donna Shea

When new kids join a social group, they come with a clean slate. Whatever social gaffs that occurred in other settings are unknown to this new group. The other kids might wonder what she’s like, how old he is or his or her opinion about the latest Star Wars movie. They are, in general, predisposed to want to like him or her. The cards are stacked in their favor. Kids at a social group want friends and here comes a brand new candidate for friendship!

Anxiety is usually elevated as they venture into a new social territory, though, and those nerves can make a child or teen react in an unfriendly manner. They might feel on guard or defensive due to past experiences. They may be worried about the group rejecting them. As social coaches, we are observing their interactions and developing an understanding of what might be going on with him or her when they socialize.  We are listening out for any negativity that they may communicate given the heightened stress from the new social situation. There have been research studies that have attempted to mathematically define how many positive comments are needed to overcome a negative one. We don’t believe scientific research is necessary to know that contrary comments will result in people developing a negative opinion about someone and positive comments will result in people thinking more positively about him or her. When meeting new people, all of us need to keep in mind that the clean slate can be tarnished by contrary remarks or unkind observations. A social filter in those first moments of meeting someone new is critical to swaying them to think positively of you.

When given a new social opportunity, think positively; bite your tongue when negative opinions come to mind. It’s a clean slate, and you get to choose to tarnish or polish.

Gratitude is a Sleep Aid

By Donna Shea & Nadine Briggs I’ve always had difficulty sleeping (Donna). Being one of those people that comes wired with anxiety, I would frequently find myself awake in the…
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I was skeptical at first, too.

By Donna Shea & Nadine Briggs Our work has become infused with positive psychology. A few years back, Nadine would tell me things about positive psychology and mindfulness and my…
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A Quick Tip to Feel Happier Today

By Nadine Briggs and Donna Shea Most of the children and teens that we work with have anxiety. Many crave a high degree of control over all things, play, conversation,…
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Inner Power and Peace – It’s Within You

By Nadine Briggs and Donna Shea A close friend of ours is going through an extremely challenging and life-altering event. As people who have both also experienced life-altering events, we…
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Accentuate the Positive

By Donna Shea & Nadine Briggs What good thing happened today? That is a question that my (Donna) significant other Mike and I are working into our daily conversations. We…
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