I (Donna) just got back from a trip to Disney. I expected crowds. I expected long wait times and having to be patient in lines. What I didn’t expect was to be invisible.
I’m not quite sure when manners in a crowd stopped mattering. They still matter to me, but in a sea of people, I seemed to be in a minority. I was pushed, stepped on, made to move by people walking straight into me, forced to stop by people crossing directly in front of our path, banged into with strollers from behind me and cut in line. All week, we joked about the fact that we must be wearing invisibility cloaks to survive it, but it really wasn’t all that funny. We weren’t the only invisible people. We even saw a near fist fight break out between two fathers pushing strollers. Don’t even get me started on people walking and texting. I think that in addition to areas for smokers, that Disney should provide and enforce areas for texters.
So, hello everyone still in Disney! Some social tips for being in a crowd (pretty similar to the rules of the road when driving):
None of these 8 steps will take up much time but all go a long way to making crowd experiences a lot more enjoyable.