They’re not alone! Many kids, teens, and young adults with social challenges dislike small talk because it feels awkward or pointless. They often wonder, “Why would I talk about the weather when we’re all standing in it?”
But here’s the truth: small talk isn’t just idle chatter — it’s an important stepping stone to deeper conversations. Think of it like stretching before playing a sport — it warms you up before diving into the big stuff.
Now imagine skipping that warm-up… Walking up to someone and blurting out, “I need my wisdom teeth removed!” would feel incredibly awkward without easing into the conversation first.
In my latest video, I share practical tips to help kids turn small talk into meaningful connections. For example, a simple chat about the weather can lead to a fun conversation about favorite vacation spots or memorable family trips.
Is your child ready to make the steps toward friendship? Let’s schedule a free trial!
If you have a child/teen/young adult with has difficulty making friends, contact us for a free trial at 978-764-2758 or schedule an intake https://calendly.com/simplysocialkids/let-s-connect