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Focus on Gratitude

Nadine Briggs

gratitude jarBy Nadine Briggs & Donna Shea

As we reflect on the past week, it has been somewhat difficult to consider which blog topic to post today. The current mood of our country is heavy and uncertain. We were approached to write an article about strong feelings for and you can find it here:

We have spent a great deal of time discussing at length what positive actions we take can to offset some of the negativity. We decided that one thing that we can do and have control over, is to shift our focus towards an attitude of gratitude and remember to appreciate the positive aspects of our lives. We decided to each create a Gratitude Jar at our social skills centers and will be asking the kids to write down what they are grateful for on colorful slips of paper.

Here’s a few of ours:

Nadine is grateful for:

  1. My family who are all kind of nuts but in a good way.
  2. Being able to fulfill a childhood dream of becoming an author. And grateful for the team of people that help make that happen, from artists, editors, publicists, Amazon and Facebook representatives to the readers we hear from every day.
  3. My friends! My buddy and business partner Donna Shea, my poker buddies, my old friends from childhood whom I see whenever I can. I’m grateful that I can pick up the phone and say “you’re not gonna believe what happened….” and there is someone on the other end who cares.
  4. The aha moments when I’m social coaching kids. I see it in their eyes and I know when I’ve connected and the email from a mom that says “he said he feels he belongs there.”

Donna is grateful for:

  1. All of what Nadine said above!
  2. Being the mom (and grand-mom) to some really awesome people.
  3. My health. Having a body that allows me to walk, talk, see, breathe and dance and so much more.
  4. That I have enough. A place to live that is warm enough. Enough food to eat. Enough clothes to wear.

In this month when many of us celebrate Thanksgiving, maybe taking the time to consider what is good and positive may lighten your heart a little. Take a moment to write those things down. Make them indelible, fill the jar, engage your family to do the same, and turn your focus toward gratitude.

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