by Nadine Briggs
Mother’s Day is this Sunday and it’s a time for mothers everywhere to be appreciated for all that they do for the family. Holidays that are not kid-oriented present a great opportunity to practice perspective taking skills. Kids who have social difficulty often have a hard time thinking of another’s point of view. Having a day that is all about mom gives them a chance to think about what she would enjoy and put their own needs aside.
When I asked the kids this week if they had plans for their moms on Mother’s Day, not surprisingly, many did not. All the kids acknowledged how much their moms do for them, though, and they agreed that Mom should be treated special this weekend. Dads and other family members can help kids brainstorm about what their mom might enjoy on this special day.
This one day each year, mothers everywhere are celebrated, as they should be, and kids have an opportunity to practice the important social skill of perspective taking. Happy Mother’s Day!
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